Onondaga County Parks
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7th Annual Parks Winter Photo Contest

7th Annual Parks Winter Photo Contest

February 22 thru February 28
The 7th annual event will run February 1-28, 2025 and is open to all photographers, ages 5 & up. Once again Syracuse City Parks is joining in on the fun. That means photographers can submit photos taken in ANY open Onondaga County Park or Syracuse City Park. Visit website to submit photos & for more information.
7th Annual Parks Winter Photo Contest
Writing the Natural World

Writing the Natural World

February 23
What do you see, hear, and imagine as you walk the trails at Beaver Lake? Practice putting your wonder at the natural world into words on the page. Bring pen, paper, and memories of your time on the trails and learn to write about them.
Registration: $2/Member; $3/Nonmember; park admission fee ($5/vehicle) still applies
Writing the Natural World
7th Annual Parks Winter Photo Contest

7th Annual Parks Winter Photo Contest

February 23 thru February 28
The 7th annual event will run February 1-28, 2025 and is open to all photographers, ages 5 & up. Once again Syracuse City Parks is joining in on the fun. That means photographers can submit photos taken in ANY open Onondaga County Park or Syracuse City Park. Visit website to submit photos & for more information.
7th Annual Parks Winter Photo Contest